Chief executive officer (CEO)
Michel Vallée
Assistant General Manager
Anastasia Vaillancourt
Director of Communications
Joannie Chassé
Director, Financing and Partnerships
Romain Meyer
Administrative Assistant
Line Perreault
Communications Executive
Léna Gouérou
Digital Communications Coordinator
Audrey-Maude Blais-Gallant
Digital Communications Agent
Mégane Roy-Rousseau
Community manager
Chloé Woronovycz
Communications Agent
Sahara Rose Osega Robles
Project Manager
Journées de la culture; mobilization
Victoria Drumi-Grudco
Project Manager
Une chanson à l’école; J’aime les mots; prix Charles-Biddle; prix Solange-Chalvin
Isabelle Tanguay
Coordinator – Racines plurielles
Anaïs Kechidi
Senior Project Manager
Andréane Dion
Digital Transformation Advisor
Laura Charette
Coordinator – Réseau des écoles Hémisphères
Yassmine Toualbi
Senior Project and Engagement Manager
Morgane Demarchi
Project manager – Support for cultural advisors – Réseau Hémisphères
Sandra Pellerin
Project Manager – School mobilization and recruitment – Réseau Hémisphères
Stéphanie Gascon
Project Manager – Cultures-tu?
Raphaëlle Audéon
Project Manager – Racines plurielles
Émilie Gomez
Sylvain Arsenault
Redouane Benmokhtar, Infores
Éric Gosselin
Associé, McCarthy-Tétrault
Vice President
Rachel Martinez
Literary translator
Chief executive officer (CEO)
Michel Vallée
Culture pour tous
Claude Godon
Vice President – Financial Performance Consulting, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton
Board members
Karine Assal
General Manager and Secretary to the Board of Directors, Fonds de recherche du Québec
Philippe Demers
Founder and Creative Director, MASSIVart Canada
Céline Lacerte-Lamontagne